What to expect when you become a consultant

Ansel Melly
2 min readJun 29, 2022

No one will tell exactly what to expect when you become a consultant. Some days are going just as planned. Other days you wonder why you didn’t become a consultant earlier on. Oftentimes you will wonder what is going on. In some instances you will ask yourself whether you are doing the right thing. Few times it’s all just a blur. Let’s look at what to expect as you begin the consultancy journey and maybe give some insights on how your days will be.

Get comfortable feeling lost and not knowing everything

Don’t expect to know everything. You will be handling different clients with different expectations. Do not be afraid to actually feel like you are in the dark the first couple of times. Don’t worry about how you look — clueless; in most cases you are just thinking it and you don’t look clueless. Always maintain composure during the first interactions with your clients and do this next…

Ask questions

It is expected. As many questions as you want. Do not mind the back and forth. What you need is the pieces to fill your puzzle. In fact, your clients expect you to ask questions as often as possible. This makes everything easier and ensures you are both on the same side of the same page in the same book. Asking questions also shows leadership and will build your confidence in the process.

Clarify your role and the expectations

Be clear with what you want to achieve and what you will be providing. Always be open minded to any questions you will also get. The key is to build transparency and accountability avoiding any hiccups that may arise along the way.

Schedule daily, weekly and/or biweekly check-ins with your clients

It is really important to check — in with your clients as often as you can. This gives you the opportunity to ask any questions or answer any queries that will arise. In the end, you will avoid doing anything in the beginning and finding out later that that was not the expectation of the client.

Own your career

You are now on a journey which you chose to follow. Express what you want whether with yourself or your clients. It makes it easier. Do what interests you. Don’t do something just because you were told there is money in it. Follow what interests you then it won’t become difficult to do it especially when you don’t have the energy. It’s okay to say no as often as you want. Don’t be coerced into doing what you don’t want to do or don’t feel it is right or is not part of your role.

Originally published at https://theconsultant.ke on June 29, 2022.



Ansel Melly

web/software Developer Great Minds Accomplish Greater Things. New JavaScript disciple. Freelance Software/Web Applications Developer. Mentor